Saturday, November 26, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: A One-Sign Summary

It's been over a month since I posted my little rant about the hypocrisy of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Based on the signs I saw on the news the day I shot it, the protesters were out there rallying against corporate greed (whatever that is). But 700,000+ views later, along with several death threats and literally hundreds of comments calling me the most vile names you can imagine, I still haven't heard a succinct explanation of what exactly the OWS movement is trying to do. I've received dozens of different explanations as to what they're protesting and what they're trying to accomplish. Probably time to re-group and work up a little mission statement? I think so.

But then I was forwarded a picture (which originally appeared at The picture really does sum up the entire movement:

This image is incredibly powerful. Look at it again. Read it again.

I'm starting to think we really are screwed. Throughout the OWS movement, I've been heartened by messages I've received, from people of all ages, who dismiss these protesters as a very loud, entitled minority with a pervasive victim mentality, out there shouting and trying to out-do each others' pithy signs, while the rest of us fulfill our responsibilities by working hard and being accountable for our own success or failure. But looking at this picture makes me nervous.

Anyway, there you have it. Happy belated Thanksgiving. Drop me a comment below; tell me how you feel about this image...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family-Friendly Version of "A Day in the Life" Video Posted

When I first posted my little rant video, "A Day in the Life of an Occupy Wall Street Participant," I had no idea what I was in for. Fan mail, hate mail, death threats, radio interviews, etc. Honestly, I didn't think more than 20 or 30 people would ever see the video.

But one thing that did surprise me (though it shouldn't have) was how many people were offended by my use of profanity, specifically the "F" word at the very end. But as it turns out, a lot of folks wanted to share the video on their Facebook pages and show it to their kids, so I can see why they didn't appreciate my delivery.

Anyway, the other night two people requested that I post an edited version so that they could more comfortably share the video with more people. So Friday I bleeped out the bad words and put a new one up. Click here to see it.

So if any of you felt uncomfortable about sharing this video due to the 'blue' language, here's your chance. When I first recorded it, it was really just to vent, but the more positive feedback I receive, I'm starting to actually believe it makes valid points and shows the silliness of the Occupy Wall Street movement. So do me a favor and post it to your Facebook page. I can guarantee that your friends will either love it or hate it...

And once again, HUGE thanks to everyone for all the messages of support. It's pretty heartening to know that I'm not alone out here. Witnessing the OWS delinquents can make you lose faith in our country, but after all the loving, supportive messages I've received from hard-working, responsible Americans (and Canadians!!!), I have total faith that all will be fine. We just need to keep fighting the good fight, you know?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Occupy Wall Street CRIME TALLY!

Just posted this video today covering some of the more serious crimes committed by our gentle friends in the Occupy movement. It turns out that there's an exhaustive list at, so if you want more fun facts about these degenerates, be sure to check it out. Meanwhile, check out the video and be sure to give me a thumbs up if you enjoy it (and subscribe to my channel for future videos).

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Video: Elizabeth Warren - "There is Nobody in This Country That Got Rich Alone"

I realize Elizabeth Warren's little speech about the factory happened a couple months ago, so it's old news. But I keep seeing the transcription posted on people's Facebook pages as they subtly vilify business people who create new business, take risks, and ultimately drive our economy by creating jobs. I just rolled my eyes the first 20 or so times I saw her words, but after a while, my blood was boiling. I decided to shoot a little video telling why I found her speech condescending and offensive. You can watch it here:

Enjoy the video, and be sure to share it with friends if you agree (or disagree) with the sentiments. And as always, be sure to give me a thumbs up and a positive comment if you have the time.

Stay tuned for more...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Un-Occupy Vancouver

It's very heartening to see that the anti-Occupy movement is gaining momentum. Tonight I received a note from someone who just started a Facebook page rallying against the Occupy Vancouver heroin club.

Regardless of where you live, show your solidarity by clicking "like" at the page:

I hope people in every "Occupy" city start one of these. Seriously, the movement should have been over weeks ago; maybe we can accelerate its demise...